Direzione Scientifica
Direttore DAOSan
Paola Adinolfi
Professore Ordinario di Organizzazione aziendale
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Paola Adinolfi, Ordinario di Organizzazione Aziendale presso l’università di Salerno, dove è delegato del Rettore alla formazione post-laurea, direttore del Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca di Diritto, Economia e Management delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni, direttore del Master in Leadership e Trasformazione digitale in partnership con il Centro Alti Studi della Difesa. E’ membro del GEV terza missione dell’Anvur.
5 luglio 2021
Paola Adinolfi (Degree in Business Administration – Bocconi; MA in Industrial Relations – IRRU, Warwick University; PhD – Institute of Local Governments, University of Birmingham) is a full professor of Business Organization and member of the board of ASSIOA (Italian Association of Business Organization). She pursues her love for contamination and interdisciplinarity through her research activities (publishing in journals of philosophy, psychology, technology, health policy as well as management and organizational sciences), teaching (bachelors, masters and doctorate courses) and in the managerial roles covered (as director of the Department of Management & Information Technology, and currently as director of the Interdepartmental Center for Research in Law, Economics and Management of Public Administrations). An expert on the issues of change and innovation, which she develops and promotes both as a scholar and coordinator of research projects (she has recently submitted as principal investigator the project of a Hub for Innovation in Life Sciences with seven universities, two Scientific Institutes for Research and Treatment, and the National Research Council) and in her professional activity as a member of the GEV third mission of Anvur, of the Board of Directors of Formez, of the Unit for regulatory simplification and quality of regulation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. She has cultivated a passion for change-based learning by promoting it in the university field as a delegate for post-graduate training at the University of Salerno, in the extra-university field as a member of the Apaform board (Professional Association of Management Trainers), and by experimenting with it at training courses, as the director of masters (the twenty-year Master in Management of Healthcare Organizations – in collaboration with Federico II University, University of Sannio, Campania Region and Agenas – and the newborn Master in Leadership and Digital Transformation – in partnership with the Centro Alti Studi della Difesa), as responsible for advanced and refresher courses (ValorePA courses for public officials and managerial training courses for General Managers, as well as courses for Health Directors and Heads of Complex Operating Units of Companies and Health Service Organizations), as doctoral coordinator (of the PhD in Economics and Management in Public Administrations and, currently, the PhD in Innovation Sciences for Defense and Security). Her hobbies include piano, chess, dance (classical and contemporary).
July 5, 2021